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MUSICO – Music Streaming Engine

Untouched MUSICO – Music Streaming Engine v4.0

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MUSICO is the art of harmonizing sounds in time using melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and timbral aspects. The design of This MUSICO is incredibly neat and clean, and it is Fully Responsive This script can be used by musicians, bands, record labels, DJs, producers, and anybody else who wants to promote their services and accomplishments on the web.

MUSICO – Music Streaming Engine script can also be used Photographers and Elements are easy To Change according to requirements.

It’s also 100% responsive that’s why it will work nicely on all smart devices(smart phones, tablet, PCs and desktops). It’s also well documented and clean coded that’s why anyone can change it easily.
Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form .


  1. Supports multi-languages (Default languages: english and arabic and France)
  2. Setting: general setting such as logo, blog title, website icon, home page
  3. Manage Multiple Digital Music (Add/edit/remove Multiple Digital Music)
  4. Categories: category name, slug, Description and Feature Image
  5. User: name, email, password, profile picture and description
  6. Manage Roles (Add/edit/remove Roles) (for admins and managers only)
  7. Template, pagination, xml sitemap, comment(Disqus comment)
  8. Manage ads (url/image/google ads) (left for you option)
  9. Access the control panel via Login/Register features
  10. image: easily upload multiple images with ajax
  11. Made with security in mind (Stable version)
  12. Reports – (for admins and managers only)
  13. This script comes with a powerful CMS
  14. Multiple Digital Music for Hamburger
  15. Advanced Digital Music Search System
  16. Manage User (Add/edit/remove User)
  17. Send Message From User to admin
  18. Official Multiple Digital Music
  19. Digital Music & Venue Listing
  20. Animated Preloader Section
  21. Creative Interaction UI
  22. Documentation file included
  23. Video Backgrounds Page Header
  24. Easy to use and customize
  25. Header Fade Effects
  26. Wow Scroll Animations
  27. Digital Albums Management
  28. Digital Tracks Management
  29. Digital Artists Management
  30. Digital Genres Management
  31. Category Management
  32. Tags Management
  33. Membership System
  34. User Login & Register System
  35. RTL & LTR Support
  36. 404 Page
  37. Cross Browser Compatibility
  38. HTML5 Validation
  39. Based on uikit 4.x
  40. Animated Navigation
  41. Flow less CSS transition
  42. Cross browsers support
  43. SVG + Image icons
  44. Google Fonts
  45. Favicon Options
  46. Advertisement Options
  47. Social Media Options
  48. Translation Ready
  49. 100% Responsive Design
  50. SEO Friendly
  51. Contact Form
  52. Navigation Options
  53. Layouts & Elements
  54. Boxed Layout Design
  55. Adaptive Images System
  56. Optimized Codes
  57. Comment System
  58. Fancy box Support
  59. Theme Updates
  60. Support & Documentation
  61. User Management
  62. 3 User roles
  • Security
    • Built on powerful laravel Framework that has been tried and tested by millions of developers.
    • Passwords are encrypted using PHP library to make sure your data is safe.
  • Media Builder
    • Members / Admin add unlimited recipes.
    • SEO optimized for Services using meta keywords and meta tags.
  • Admin Panel
    • Flexible control panel system with full options.
    • Only admin role can login admin panel.
    • Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,...).
    • Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).
    • Change social media pages.
    • Manage Media categories (add, edit, delete, view).
    • Approve member Media to appear on website.
    • Can view/ delete users subscribed.
    • Manage sliders that appears on website (add, edit, delete, view).
    • Totally with this admin panel can manage and control every thing appear in website with full option.
  • Other Features
    • Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).
    • Fully Responsive for Website and admin panel
    • Awesome Design for Website and admin panel
    • Clean Code with hight performance.
    • More features will coming up
    • Easy Customization
    • Friendly with Seo
    • High performance

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