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Untouched Restaurant POS Pro - Restaurant Management System With Kitchen and Bar Display v1.0

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Restaurant POS Pro - Restaurant management system with kitchen and bar display.jpg

The Restaurant POS system orchestrates the bustling kitchen chaos, effortlessly handling menus, orders, and expenses. Seamlessly integrating data, it supports various order types and generates insightful reports. With database backups and customizable notifications, it ensures security and communication. Enhanced features like user activity logs and advanced reporting offer efficiency and strategic insights, shaping the restaurant’s success with precision and finesse. Here’s a comprehensive summary of its key features:

  • Menu Management: Easily organize and update menus for clarity and ease of navigation.
  • Multiple Variants: Each Food item is compatible with multiple variants (i.e. Pizza (sm, med, lg, xl, etc).
  • Effortless Kitchen Coordination: Smooth communication between front and back-of-house operations.
  • Smart Expense Tracking: Intelligently track expenses for better financial management.
  • Versatile Order Management: Efficiently manage various order types with customization options.
  • Insightful Reporting: Detailed reports provide valuable insights for decision-making.
  • Database Backup: Ensure data security with internal backups.
  • Seamless Tip Collection: Simplify tipping process for staff and customers.
  • Multi-Channel Notifications: Receive notifications via email, SMS, or WhatsApp for important events.
  • Customizable Notification Templates: Tailor notifications templates with dynamic placeholders.
  • Enhanced Kitchen/Bar Functionality: Optimize workflow with kitchen/bar tools and features.
  • User Activity Logs: Monitor user activity for accountability and security.
  • Cash Register Management: Securely manage cash transactions with tracking features.
  • Advanced Expense Reporting: Generate detailed expense reports for deeper insights.
  • Top-Selling Items Analysis: Identify trends for informed decisions on menu and inventory management.

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