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Download 360 Professional Email Signature


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
Reaction score
email signature.jpg

A gorgeous set of 360 simple, professional, flat, clean and modern e-signature that will suit for company e-mailsignature or even just for personal e-mail signature. Customize your email signature with your logo, electronic e-sign, avatar, social networklinks and personal information. You can easily change the texts, images & color of the email signature from the html files and the photoshopversions.

What you’ll get:​

  • 360 HTML individual files
  • 12 color styles
  • 30 different layout options
  • Friendly HTML Help Documentation
    (contains the PSD file, HTML editing, Smart Object guidance and video tutorial for how to add email signatures in different email clients)

Key Features:​

  • 360 HTML individual files
  • 12 color styles
  • 30 different layout options
  • Accurate HTML shaping and inline CSS
  • Fully editable HTML
  • Looks beautiful in major email clients
  • Smart Object
  • 100% PS-ready vector shapes
  • Free Google Fonts
  • Free Icon Fonts
  • Well-Documented HTML Help files
  • Nicely Layered & Grouped with proper Names
  • Modern, Clean & Professional Design
  • Easily customizable PSD Templates
  • Multipurpose Use

Responsive Compatibility:​

Only the native email application within iOS, Android up to 4.2+ (and Windows Phone 7.5+) are supported.
The following are not supported: Gmail app, Yahoo! Mail app, Android 4.3+, and mobile browsers.

Download here
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