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40+ Useful Websites For Designs


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
Reaction score
- 55,300 free icons. Yes, you've heard it. They're free and although it comes with some size and copyright restrictions.
- 9,900 free icons. This one allows you to do multiple edits to icons before downloading them.
- Fontawesome plugin right inside your photoshop, vector .svg format.
- A really good web-based archive for icons.
- A pretty nice collection of material design icons from google.
- A really rad collection of icon sets for all kinds of design.
- A single author created 350+ resizeable icons for your use.

- It's an awesome site to get clean patterns from.
- THIS WEBSITE IS AMAZING. Seamless patterns. Just. Amazing.

- Unbelievably HD, beautiful, free photos that you can use.
- A nice collection of HD stock photos all under CC0 license.
- This one is really cool, it's basically a site dedicated to vintage-type photos, of course, you can use the stocks as well.
- Don't you just love the CC0 license?
- YOOOO. DESIGN + FOOD. No seriously, this is a lot like food porn. There's a lot of HD food goodies in here.
- A very useful website where you can basically get photos to use for mock avatars on any
- More royalty free stock photos!

- Mostly anime-related renders.
- A collection of renders for things like games, animes, memes, musicians, etc.

- They have an unbelievable amount of free vectors you can utilize.
- Also another free vector archive, though a little more limited than freepik.
- Amazing crazy find, this website lets you use .svg vector illustrations.
- A collection of famous logos for different brands/companies around the world in .svg format!

- Design inspiration for the mock-up idea hungry designers.
- For your daily dose of design inspiration.
- Just a lot of designs for every category you may be able to think of.
- Best webdesign trends, they're sort of like the grammys for music, except it's webdesign.
- A collection of really amazing logos to take inspiration from.

- Another resource to grab ideas of cool gradient combinations from.
- Quite useful for mixing and matching colours for material design, ui/ux.
- If you were running out of ideas for color combinations, this one really can save you.
- A wonderful looking resource website for picking colors. Palettes are contrast-friendly.
- Another awesome website where you can generate color palettes.

- Grab a gradient, grabient. Get it? No?... Okay...
- A very cool looking website for gradients.

- Honestly if you didn't know you could get amazing free fonts from this website, I'm sort of judging you a little.
- ALL DA FREE FONTS. See what I did there?

- Basically a collection of random resource packs.
- A site pretty much dedicated to giving out free design resources.
- Has a lot of free design mock-ups and flat designs.
- A lot like freebiesbug and flypixel.
- A lot of the freebies from dribble and behance categorized into one website.
- Has a lot of nice icon sets and different other resource collections such as .psds, etc.

- I personally use this file uploader, it's lovely and all around neat.
- I personally use this file uploader to upload heavy files such as .psds for clients.
- It's a pretty cool website to place/edit any type of image into someone's hand using mobile devices.

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